Topic 6

Over and out

As outlined in my introduction I decided to enrol on the Living and Working on the web module after “deeming myself wrong footed and unable to step up to the plate” (Kuehn, 2012, p.131 as cited in Topic 1). Like most of my colleague’s I was unsure of what I was letting myself in for and had very limited knowledge of the online world beyond using social media platforms to communicate with friends and family. I was very optimistic and saw beyond just the knowledge I would gain throughout the Five Topics of the module, and more as the opportunity to develop my online skills with the hope of one day being able to utilise them when teaching my very own class.

At the begin of the module I was asked to complete a digital profile self-test rating my level of digital literacy on a scale of 1-5 where 1 is no experience and 5 is very experienced. As illustrated below in my Infographic it is clear how far I have come throughout my time on the module.


As you can see I decided to give Piktochart another go having previously written it off for being too complicated. I think this in itself speaks volumes about my progress on the module…

Furthermore,  as this module is all about collaborating with others I wanted to both; showcase the developemt of my digital profile, but also gain feedback from my peers. Therefore on Andrei Angelesci (@andreift9) recommendation I have created a ranked list using playbuzz to demonstarted this while also allowing my peers to rank my development.

Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 17.50.16.png

In comparison to Topic 3 It is clear to see from the ‘all star’ rating on my LinkedIn profile, number of views, and progression bar on my Tutora page how much my digital profile has developed over the module.

Reflecting on my learning experiences and development of knowledge and digital skills, I would say my biggest learning curve came from Topic 1 in which I was adament I was a digital resident when upon reflection it is evident that I couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Furthermore, while each Topic has provided me with something new and exciting to learn each week (from vistors to residents to privacy and open access) I am most impressed with my ability to work so well independently while also collaborating with my peers in a way that I have never done before.

The ability to develop online has paid dividens already! Not only was I able to create my dissertation poster with Canva, sharing it on Twitter to enhance response rate, but through the use of, in which I uploaded a digital CV  I have sucessfully secured myself a role as an Adminstrative Assistant in a local doctors surgery while I plan my next move…

I think the post speaks for itself when I say it is clear my time on the module has been a resounding success, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to partake in such a unique learning experince. In my role as a Tutor I will be adding digital literacy (computing literacy) to my Tutora page and I hope to be able to gain invaluable experience from imparting my knowledge into the minds of young kids, before I become a fully qualifed teacher.

I will also endeavour to continue to blog and maybe even try my hand at vlogging now I’ve set up my YouTube channel… watch this space!


Kuehn, L. (2012) ‘No More “Digital Natives” and “Digital Immigrants”’, Our Schools, Our Selves, 21(2), pp.129-131. Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2017)